Preparing for a crisis is an enormous challenge, even when you put decisive action plans into place early on. But in a prolonged crisis, such as we’ve seen throughout the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, events unfold and change quickly over the course of days, weeks and months, and businesses face threats on many fronts: Revenues plummet. Employees suffer. Customers struggle. Services are limited. And more and more customer balances go unpaid.
What can utility companies do to prepare for and manage ongoing crises – right now?
We’ve put together this resource guide (a toolbox, if you will) covering all the work we’ve done through the COVID-19 crisis showing how utilities can–and should–engage customers in a way that will help them survive this volatile situation.
From understanding economic risk factors to determining which customers are newly vulnerable, we invite you to explore the materials curated within our Customer Engagement During a Crisis webpage.
We think you’ll find these articles, videos, and webinar recordings extremely useful–not just during this current crisis, but as you prepare for potential future ones, as well.
Wondering which customers you should be prioritizing ASAP, before the shutoff moratorium ends? Need to get your team onboard? As a bonus resource, we’ve also put together a FREE downloadable slide deck, “Identifying and Engaging with Vulnerable Customers During an Economic Crisis.”
This deck collects our top insights on prioritizing and targeting the customers most likely to accrue high unpaid balances before the moratorium ends – and how to proactively engage with them, saving your company lost revenue. For example, we’ve included advice on understanding your Customer Balance Risk Zones and timely interventions for keeping customers out of the Red Zone. Now is the time to get started!