The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) hosts BlastPoint’s Tomer Borenstein alongside ATCO’s Will York on 3/18. They’ll be sharing insights on using artificial intelligence to build smart EV expansion plans, drive customer adoption and build strategic partnerships.
We’re honored to have BlastPoint CTO and Cofounder Tomer Borenstein, with special guest Will York of Canada’s ATCO, presenting at the Smart Electric Power Alliance’s EV working group on how to use predictive analytics, enriched data and machine learning to prepare for EV adoption and infrastructure growth. Also joining the discussion will be Eugene Granovsky, CEO of Bellawatt, who will present on EV disaggregation.
What’s On The SEPA EV Working Group Agenda This Month?
Artificial intelligence – predictive analytics, in particular – is currently being used around the world to help utilities better understand their customers, drive higher customer engagement, unlock revenue streams and save money.
At this month’s SEPA EV Working Group meeting, Borenstein will share how this new technology is being used to help utilities prepare for the coming EV adoption wave. In particular, he will showcase how utilities can promote adoption, predict load increases and support electric vehicle charging infrastructure so that it meets the needs of all members of their communities.
How does A.I. work for EV planning?
Predictive A.I. reveals where customers fall on the EV adoption curve, predicting how soon they’ll be ready to adopt. It unveils commercial organizations that are poised and ready to install EVSE onsite. And it illuminates which communities need further investment and education about the benefits of EV so that the people who live there don’t get left behind.
A Sneak Peak at Using A.I. for EV Planning
Borenstein will explain how BlastPoint uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to guide utilities as they build data-backed EV plans. He will show the techniques BlastPoint used in our project for ATCO with the goal of finding strategic partners that would make great EV charging station hosts. He’ll also share how we conducted customer segmentation and neighborhood-level analytics to guide the process. In addition, Will York will provide a utility’s perspective, discussing some of the biggest challenges companies face when planning for EV expansion and how A.I. helps to ease some of those pain points.
Download the ATCO case study: Identifying Commercial EV Partners
The presentation goes deeper into laying out specifics on using A.I. to:
- Predict load, so that utilities understand where and when it will be greatest;
- Anticipate and prepare for transient loads (from travelers and fleets)
- Understand the adoption curve for specific geographic locations within a territory
- Drive EV adoption by illuminating who is most likely to adopt;
- Navigate regulatory frameworks and requirements;
- Manage expectations around capital investment;
- And more.
Read more about ATCO’s Peaks to Prairies Electric Vehicle Charging Station project
Download BlastPoint’s Federal Fleet Report
Many thanks to our friends at SEPA and our ATCO partners for the opportunity to share in this engaging conversation!
For more on using BlastPoint to grow electric vehicle adoption in your area, expand EV infrastructure or carry out other utility-related initiatives, check out our Energy Solutions here. If you’re ready to start planning now, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us here. And if you’d like to catch BlastPoint’s Tomer Borenstein presenting live in A.I. and machine learning, register here for Pittsburgh Technology Council’s Beyond Big Data Summit, taking place next week!